18 (4) (a) |
Prof. Pratapsinh Chauhan |
The I/C Vice-Chancellor - Chairperson; |
18 (4) (b) |
Dr. Anil S. Solanki |
the Registrar – Member-Secretary; |
18 (4) (c) |
Dr. Apurva Pathak (Faculty of Law) Dr. Kailash L. Lata (Faculty of Nursing) Dr. Pradip Joshi (Faculty of Arts) Dr. K. K. Parekh (Faculty of Commerce) Dr. Vasantkumar M. Patel (Faculty of Science) Dr. Alpesh Shah (Faculty of Homeopathy) Dr. Sonali Kapoor (Faculty of Dentistry) |
Deans of Faculties and Associate Deans (if any); |
18 (4) (d) |
the Controller of Examination; |
18 (4) (e) |
the Finance and Accounts Officer; |
18 (4) (f) |
the Vice-Chancellor shall nominate the following members, as per the recommendations of a special committee appointed by him on seniority basis and also on the basis of additional criteria as may be prescribed by the Statutes: — |
18 (4) (f) (i) |
eight Principals of conducted, autonomous or affiliated/constituent colleges which are accredited B+ grade by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) or National Board of Accreditation (NBA), as the case may be, out of whom one shall be woman and one shall be a person belonging Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or De-Notified Tribes (Vimukta Jatis) or Nomadic Tribes or Other Backward Class, by rotation, on seniority basis: Provide that for The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda; one Principal of constituent colleges which are accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) or National Board of Accreditation (NBA), as the case may be; |
18 (4) (f) (ii) |
Bhavesh Jethva
Surendrasinh M. Gohil |
two university professors, out of whom one shall be a person belonging Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or De-Notified Tribes (Vimukta Jatis) or Nomadic Tribes or Other Backward Class, by rotation, on seniority basis; |
18 (4) (f) (iii) |
one head of a recognised institution, by rotation, on seniority basis; |
18 (4) (g) |
two teachers, representing each faculty, with not less than fifteen years of teaching experience to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor, out of whom one shall be a person belonging Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or De-Notified Tribes (Vimukta Jaties) / Nomadic Tribes or Other Backward Class provided that the reservation per faculty shall be decided by drawing lots: Provided that, out of the teachers representing each faculties, under this clause, one shall be a woman, to be decided by the Board of Management; |
18 (4) (h) |
one representative of management nominated by the Board of Management: |
18 (4) (i) |
Eight eminent experts from the institutes or organisations of national repute, such as Indian Institute of Technology, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Indian Institute of Management, Indian Space Research Organisation, Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Institute of Cost Accountants of India, Institute of Company Secretaries of India, Indian Council for Social Research, Industrial Associations, Indian Olympic Association and allied fields and as much as possible representing all the faculties, nominated by Vice-Chancellor in consultation with the State Government; |
18 (4) (j) |
Chairperson of Board of Studies; |
18 (4) (k) |
an eminent person from The Gujarat Chamber of Commerce and Industry [GCCI] in the field of business and industry can be a member, as nominated by the Vice-Chancellor. |
18 (4) (a) |
Prof. Pratapsinh Chauhan |
The Vice-Chancellor - Chairperson; |
18 (4) (b) |
Dr. Anil S. Solanki |
the Registrar – Member-Secretary; |
18 (4) (c) |
Dr. Apurva Pathak (Faculty of Law) Dr. Kailash L. Lata (Faculty of Nursing) Dr. Pradip Joshi (Faculty of Arts) Dr. K. K. Parekh (Faculty of Commerce) Dr. Vasantkumar M. Patel (Faculty of Science) Dr. Alpesh Shah (Faculty of Homeopathy) Dr. Sonali Kapoor (Faculty of Dentistry) |
Deans of Faculties and Associate Deans (if any); |
18 (4) (d) |
the Controller of Examination; |
18 (4) (e) |
the Finance and Accounts Officer; |
18 (4) (f) |
the Vice-Chancellor shall nominate the following members, as per the recommendations of a special committee appointed by him on seniority basis and also on the basis of additional criteria as may be prescribed by the Statutes: — |
18 (4) (f) (i) |
eight Principals of conducted, autonomous or affiliated/constituent colleges which are accredited B+ grade by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) or National Board of Accreditation (NBA), as the case may be, out of whom one shall be woman and one shall be a person belonging Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or De-Notified Tribes (Vimukta Jatis) or Nomadic Tribes or Other Backward Class, by rotation, on seniority basis: Provide that for The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda; one Principal of constituent colleges which are accredited by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) or National Board of Accreditation (NBA), as the case may be; |
18 (4) (f) (ii) |
Bhavesh Jethva
Surendrasinh M. Gohil |
two university professors, out of whom one shall be a person belonging Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or De-Notified Tribes (Vimukta Jatis) or Nomadic Tribes or Other Backward Class, by rotation, on seniority basis; |
18 (4) (f) (iii) |
one head of a recognised institution, by rotation, on seniority basis; |
18 (4) (g) |
two teachers, representing each faculty, with not less than fifteen years of teaching experience to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor, out of whom one shall be a person belonging Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or De-Notified Tribes (Vimukta Jaties) / Nomadic Tribes or Other Backward Class provided that the reservation per faculty shall be decided by drawing lots: Provided that, out of the teachers representing each faculties, under this clause, one shall be a woman, to be decided by the Board of Management; |
18 (4) (h) |
one representative of management nominated by the Board of Management: |
18 (4) (i) |
Eight eminent experts from the institutes or organisations of national repute, such as Indian Institute of Technology, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Indian Institute of Management, Indian Space Research Organisation, Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, Institute of Cost Accountants of India, Institute of Company Secretaries of India, Indian Council for Social Research, Industrial Associations, Indian Olympic Association and allied fields and as much as possible representing all the faculties, nominated by Vice-Chancellor in consultation with the State Government; |
18 (4) (j) |
Chairperson of Board of Studies; |
18 (4) (k) |
an eminent person from The Gujarat Chamber of Commerce and Industry [GCCI] in the field of business and industry can be a member, as nominated by the Vice-Chancellor. |
The above Academic Council of this University will be functioning from 15/01/2024 to 14/07/2026. The next term will follow the Gujarat Public University Bill 2023. The term of the vacant/remaining members shall be as per the above time period.