14 (5) (a) | Prof. Pratapsinh Chauhan | I/C Vice-Chancellor - Chairperson |
14 (5) (b) | Shri Maganbhai Patelia | 14 (5) (b) Shri Maganbhai Patelia one eminent highly reputed person from the field of education, industry, agriculture, commerce, banking, finance, social, cultural and other such allied fields to be nominated by the Chairperson; |
14 (5) (c) | VACANT | 14 (5) (c) (VACANT) One head or Director, to be nominated by the Chairperson from amongst the heads or Directors of university departments, on seniority basis, by rotation and also on the basis of additional criteria as may be prescribed by the Statutes: |
14 (5) (d) | VACANT | 14 (5) (d) (VACANT) two Deans to be nominated by the Chairperson, by rotation, on the basis of seniority and also on the basis of additional criteria as may be prescribed by the Statutes; |
14 (5) (e) | Dr. Dinesh Machhi Govt. Arts College, Shahera |
one head, to be nominated by the Chairperson from amongst the heads of college departments, on seniority basis, by rotation and also on the basis of additional criteria as may be prescribed by the Statutes: |
14 (5) (f) |
Dr. Arvnabh Mishra Dr. Hemantkumar R. Prajapati (Dept. of Chemistry, SGGU) |
two teachers who are not principals or college teachers or directors of recognised institutions to be selected by the Chairperson from amongst the university teachers, on the basis of seniority and also on the basis of additional criteria as may be prescribed by the Statutes, out of whom one shall be selected from Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or De-Notified Tribes (Vimukta Jatis) or Nomadic Tribes or Other Backward Class categories, by rotation; |
14 (5) (g) |
Dr. Dipti Soni Dr. Tejal Vasava |
two teachers who are not principals or directors of recognised institutions to be selected by the Chairperson from amongst the college teachers, on the basis of seniority and also on the basis of additional criteria as may be prescribed by the Statutes, out of whom one shall be selected from Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or De-Notified Tribes (Vimukta Jatis) or Nomadic Tribes or Other Backward Class categories, by rotation; |
14 (5) (h) | VACANT | two representatives of college managements to be nominated by the Chairperson from amongst the representatives of management, and further provided that same management shall not have second consecutive institutional representation: |
14 (5) (i) | VACANT | two registered graduates selected by the Chairperson, out of whom one shall be selected from Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes or De-Notified Tribes (Vimukta Jatis) or Nomadic Tribes or Other Backward Class categories, by rotation; |
14 (5) (j) |
Dr. Bhavesh M. Jethva Dr. Surendrasinh M. Gohil |
two members selected by the Academic Council from amongst its members, on seniority basis and also on the basis of additional criteria as may be prescribed by the Statutes; |
14 (5) (k) | VACANT | one eminent-expert from the institute or organisation of National Importance approved by the Parliament, having national level reputation to be nominated by the Chairperson; |
14 (5) (l) | Dr. Anil S. Solanki Registrar, SGGU |
the Registrar of University shall be the Member-Secretary of the Board of Management, without any voting right: |
The above Board of Management Committee of this University will be functioning from 15/01/2024 to 14/07/2026. The next term will follow the Gujarat Public University Bill 2023. The term of the vacant/remaining members shall be as per the above time period.